Whenever a dentist detects a cavity, they will recommend that their patient gets fillings. A filling is where the dentist removes a decayed portion of the tooth and then they fill the area of the tooth with strong material. The filling prevents further tooth decay and maintains the health of your tooth. Exactly what material is used is dependent on a number of factors, from cost, the location and extent of decay, the patient’s insurance coverage, and the dentist’s recommendation. There are many filling options that can potentially be used. This article will explore what types of fillings are available and bet used.

What Kind Of Materials Are Used?

There are many dental fillings on the market today. The fillings available include gold, silver, amalgam, composite resins, and even advanced materials like zirconia and more. During the initial consultation, your dentist will explain the options that you have and the extent of the cavities that need to be filled.  All of these factors are considered when it comes down to the final decision of which material to use for the filling.

Composite Fillings Or White Fillings

Composite fillings also called white fillings, are made from powdered glass quartz, silica or other ceramic particles added to a resin base. Once the tooth is prepared, the filling is bonded onto the area and a light is shone onto the filling in order to set it. The dentist will match the color of the composite fillings to your teeth. They have the advantage of being well suited for use in front teeth or visible parts of the teeth. They actually bond to the tooth structure, providing even more support for the tooth. They are also very versatile in their uses and can be used to repair chipped, broken or worn teeth.  Composite fillings also have the potential to spare more of the tooth structure, as less of the tooth needs to be removed compared with amalgams. However, there are some disadvantages that should be considered. The composite or white filling lacks the same amount of durability as amalgams. Typically, the last 5 years compared to the 10 to 15 years of amalgams. They also may not hold up as long if used for large cavities. They also take longer than amalgam to place, sometimes up to twenty minutes longer than amalgam to place. You may also be required to go to multiple visits to the dentist’s office in order to place the filling. The filling material can also chip, depending on the location. They also cost up to double the cost of amalgam fillings.

Amalgam Fillings or Silver Fillings

Amalgam fillings, known as silver fillings, are made from a combination of mercury and silver alloy. Generally, they are 50% mercury, 35% silver, and 15% tin, copper, and other metals. Amalgams are long-lasting and hard-wearing and have been in use for over 150 years. They also are very durable and can last up to 15 to 20 years. Amalgam fillings are often used in molars and other chewing teeth. The mercury in dental amalgam is not poisonous after it is combined with the other materials in the filling. The chemical nature of the filling changes so that it is harmless. With over 100 years of research into the safety, no reputable study has found a connection between amalgam fillings and any medical problem. Some disadvantages to the amalgams include the destruction of more tooth structure, as a space large enough to hold the amalgam filling is needed to be removed. It can also discolor the tooth, creating a grayish hue to the surrounding tooth structure. It is also possible to experience cracks and fractures as the teeth expand and contract in the presence of hot and cold liquids. Some people, less than 1% of people, may experience an allergic reaction to the mercury in the filling.

Gold Fillings

Gold is one of the most long-lasting and hard-wearing filling materials and will last many years. Gold is a strong material that does not tarnish. One of the differences between the gold and the silver filling is that the gold filling is made in a laboratory. In the meantime, the dentist will place a temporary filling. Once the gold inlay has been made, the dentist will fix it in place with dental cement.  Gold fillings can last 10 to 15 years and often longer. And some people find it more attractive than silver fillings. They do tend to be more expensive, often 10 times higher than amalgam fillings. They also require multiple office visits in order to place them.  If a gold filling is placed next to a silver filling it can cause a sharp shock called a galvanic shock as the silver and gold make an electric current. This is very rare, however.

Zirconia Fillings

Some fillings are made out of ceramics like zirconia which are resistant to staining and can last more than 15 years and can cost as expensive as gold. Porcelain inlays are made in a laboratory and they will need at least two visits to your dentist. Porcelain is hard and long-lasting and is often matched in color with your natural tooth.  You may also be interested in glass ionomer fillings. These actually form a chemical link with the tooth. They release fluoride which helps to prevent further tooth decay. This type of filling is fairly weak, so it is often only used for baby teeth and non-biting surfaces such as around the base of the teeth. It will require some preparation in order to have the filling bond directly to the teeth. 

Which Type Of Filling Is For Me?

Choosing the right filling is always a complicated question. The best way to choose is to review with your dentist about which filling material will best fit your situation and your budget. Your insurance company may cover a portion of the cost of dental fillings. There may even be financial options should you need to do a payment plan.  If you think that you need to fill a cavity, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.