Choosing to get a dental implant is an important decision. Knowing how the procedure is generally done and what a typical treatment plan entails can help you to make the best decision you can. In brief, the treatment plan involves replacing the tooth roots with a metal post, typically aluminum, that resembles a screw. Attached to that are an abutment and a crown, and it functions essentially as a natural tooth. Dental implants are a great alternative to dentures or bridgework., which may slip or click.
There are a number of factors that change how the surgery is performed. These factors include the type of implant that is going to be used, the condition of the jawbone and how much available bone tissue is present and how soft it is. Your doctor will work with you to make a detailed treatment plan that covers all the specific in’s and out’s of your personalized treatment plan.
A dental implant is an excellent option for patients that are missing one or more teeth, as well as having the needed amount of bone structure for the implant to be set in. Having healthy oral tissues is a must, as well as a willingness to commit to a potentially multi-month-long process of healing and recovery. However, a dental implant is a lifelong investment, as unlike conventional dentures and bridgework, they do not need to be replaced every five to ten years. There can be no slippage or clicking with a dental implant, as it fuses directly to the jawbone, just like a natural tooth root.
Preparing for the Surgery
The entire dental implant surgery process often requires more than one surgical procedures, so a thorough evaluation by your dentist is necessary and required to prepare for the process. This evaluation can include any of the following:- A comprehensive dental exam in which you get x-rays taken and models of your teeth and mouth are made.
- A treatment plan in which all the factors going into your specific treatment is laid out and considered by your dentist.
- Input from dental specialists to assess if a bone graft or other preparatory measures are needed.