Posts Tagged ‘cosmetic dentist’

Teeth Whitening

How Much Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening has proven to be one of the most popular treatments in America, with a proliferation of at-home kits, gels, and strips. Professional whitening treatment is also available, but the question remains, what does teeth whitening cost? And is it worth it? In today’s article, we’ll explore the different options that are available on the market and how much they cost. Your journey to a brighter smile starts now!

Professional Teeth Whitening versus At-Home Whitening

First, let’s take a look at the different treatments on the market. 

At-Home Whitening

There are a bevy of options to choose from if you want to whiten your teeth at home. These options include:
  • Whitening Toothpaste. These are used to remove surface stains and gently polish and remove the stains on the teeth. 
  • Over-the-Counter Whitening Strips & Gels. These clear, peroxide-based gels are applied with a small brush to the teeth or are applied using clear plastic strips. These often contain hydrogen peroxide and are used to bleach the teeth. Care must be taken in order to properly bleach the teeth. Results can be seen within a few days and final results are generally sustained for a few months.
  • Whitening Rinses. These are like mouthwashes, in that they freshen breath, reduce dental plaque and gum disease while whitening the teeth. However, this treatment may not be as effective as other over-the-counter treatments. 

Professional Teeth Whitening

When you go to the dentist to get your teeth whitened they often will use a tray-based tooth whitener. These are filled with a gel-like peroxide that then sits in the mouth in order to bleach the teeth.  You can also take advantage of a quick and powerful treatment that involves applying the whitening product directly onto the teeth and then combined with heat, a special light or a laser. Results can be seen within one 30 to 60-minute treatments. Sometimes multiple treatments are needed. This kind of treatment often is the most long-lasting and sometimes can be the most expensive.

The Cost of Different Treatments

When it comes to at-home or over-the-counter treatments they can run as low as a few dollars for a tube of whitening toothpaste, to as much as $40 for an at-home treatment kit. Each kit often will contain enough strips to last about a week or two.  There are also over the counter tray treatments that can cost up to $100. There can be augmented by a custom-fitted tray from your dentist, which will sometimes cost $400 or less. These solutions can be quite cost-effective but they often do not last as long or offer as dramatic of results. They often need a multi-week commitment to their consistent use in order to be effective. This may not work for everyone’s schedule but that is where in-office treatments can help.  When it comes to professional tooth whitening, cost often is the biggest factor to prevent people from going ahead. The average cost of an in-office teeth whitening is $650, but it can climb to $1,000 or more depending on the type of product used and how much your dentist charges.  For most people, this investment pays off. People will often notice the difference after a single treatment. This is because the bleaching ingredient is much stronger than anything that will be available in the store. Generally, those treatments contain 10% peroxide, while professional treatments contain between 25 and 40% hydrogen peroxide.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Teeth Whitening Cost?

Often dental insurances do not cover teeth whitening, as it is considered a cosmetic expense. However many do offer affordable dental plans that may help out with some of the costs. Many dentists will often offer several third-party financing options that can help with the cost of an in-office treatment. If you think that you want to get your teeth whitened, or speak to one of our experts about teeth whitening cost and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Clean Teeth daily teeth routine

The Best Daily Teeth Routine

The best thing you can do for yourself is following a daily routine, but when it comes to dental health, what is the best daily teeth routine? Most routines involve brushing at the bare minimum twice a day. But doing just the minimum cannot guarantee that you will be free of any dental health problems like cavities.  Today we are going to explore the best daily teeth routine, and what you can do to protect your dental health.


Brushing your teeth forms the foundation of the best daily teeth routine. But not everyone brushes their teeth with the proper routine. The American Dental Association recommend that you follow these recommendations:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. Choose a toothbrush that will fit your mouth and reach all areas easily.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or when the bristles become frayed. Worn bristles will not be able to effectively clean your mouth. 
  • Choose an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is naturally produced in the mouth and repairs damage to the tooth enamel. The fluoride in the toothpaste can help this too.

What is the proper brushing technique?

After selecting the right toothbrush and the right toothpaste, you should consider using the proper brushing technique. It is surprisingly simple and you likely won’t have to adapt your natural brushing technique to accommodate. Just follow these steps:
  • Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
  • Gently move the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes.
  • Brush the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth. 
  • To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, just angle the brush vertically and make several strokes.

How often should I brush?

To put it simply, brush your teeth for two minutes two times a day. The residue left by the bacteria in your mouth will build up during the day and at night, so it is important to keep up a consistent routine of brushing your teeth twice daily.  Doing so will prevent excess plaque from building up and remove excess food. Plaque is a sticky white film that contains the bacteria. Whenever you eat a meal or a snack with sugar, the bacteria in the plaque will produce an acid that can eventually break down the tooth enamel.  Plaque that isn’t’ removed will eventually harden to tartar. Tartar buildup can inflame your gums leading to gum disease.


In addition to brushing your teeth, you should also floss your teeth. Flossing forms another core foundation of the best daily teeth routine. Flossing removes bacteria where the bristles of your brush cannot reach.  Only 4 in 10 Americans floss their teeth according to a national poll, and 20% of Americans never floss at all. Simply flossing is not enough, but flossing correctly is just as important and making sure you floss at all.  Flossing isn’t as complicated as it seems. Here are five easy instructions to floss your teeth correctly.
  1. Break off about 18 to 24 inches of floss. Wind the majority of the floss around your middle fingers, leaving about 1 to 2 inches of floss for your teeth. 
  2. Next, hold the floss taut with your thumbs and index fingers. 
  3. Place the floss between two teeth. Gently glide the floss up and down, rubbing it against both sides of the teeth. Try not to glide the floss into your gums, as this can scratch or bruise your gums.
  4. When the floss reaches your gums, follow the curve of the floss at the base of the tooth to allow the floss to get between the gums and the teeth.
  5. Repeat the steps as you move from tooth to tooth. Use a clean section of floss with each tooth. 

Is Mouthwash Part of A Daily Teeth Routine?

Mouthwash forms an important part of the best daily teeth routine. Mouthwash helps to rinse the teeth and gums. It often contains an antiseptic to kill harmful bacteria that live between the teeth and the tongue.  It can help fight against bad breath and some people use it to help prevent tooth decay. Mouthwash does not replace a good foundation of brushing and flossing. It’s only effective if used correctly. In order to do so, follow these steps:
  1. Brush your teeth. Follow the above best practices to have your teeth cleaned well. However, wait a few minutes after using a fluoridated toothpaste, as the mouthwash can wash away the concentrated fluoride of the toothpaste. 
  2. Use only as much mouthwash as the product instructs you to use. This is typically between 3 and 5 teaspoons.
  3. Empty the cup into your mouth and swish it around. Don’t swallow the mouthwash. Instead, gargle for 30 seconds. Some people find it helpful to set a timer. 
  4. For best results make sure your teeth are freshly cleaned before using the mouthwash.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips put the finishing touch on the best daily teeth routine. Whitening strips should be used after your teeth have been cleaned. They provide an easy and safe way to whiten your teeth at home.  Most kinds of whitening strips are very easy to use. Each brand will come with their own instructions, but keep an eye out for the following:
  • First, brush your teeth before applying the top. This helps them adhere to your teeth better. Simply remove the whitening strip from its liner and place the gel side to your teeth, aligned with your gum line. Press the strip against your teeth for the best contact and fold the remainder of the strip behind your teeth.
  • Then take note of the number of daily applications. Some require a single application per day, while others require two applications. 
  • Note next how long each strip should be applied. This can range between 5 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on how strong the product is. Read your teeth whitening strop instructions closely. 
  • Finally, note how long the regimen should go on. Some last a week, and others last up to a month. 

How Often Should I Get A Dental Cleaning?

In addition to following the best daily teeth routine, you should also see a trained dentist or dental technician at least once a year to get a routine examination and cleaning. If you have a history of periodontal disease you may need to get your teeth cleaned more often in order to prevent the recurrence of infections or disease. If you have a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease, you will also need to get your teeth cleaned more often.  If you smoke, quitting smoking can be the best thing you can do for your dental health. Smoking can stain your teeth and can cause other tooth and gum problems. If you do not intend on quitting, you may need to get your teeth cleaned more frequently. Your dentist can recommend how often to have your teeth cleaned if you smoke.  If you think that you want to get your teeth cleaned or speak to one of our experts about the best daily teeth routine and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings: What are the types and which is the best?

Whenever a dentist detects a cavity, they will recommend that their patient gets fillings. A filling is where the dentist removes a decayed portion of the tooth and then they fill the area of the tooth with strong material. The filling prevents further tooth decay and maintains the health of your tooth. Exactly what material is used is dependent on a number of factors, from cost, the location and extent of decay, the patient’s insurance coverage, and the dentist’s recommendation. There are many filling options that can potentially be used. This article will explore what types of fillings are available and bet used.

What Kind Of Materials Are Used?

There are many dental fillings on the market today. The fillings available include gold, silver, amalgam, composite resins, and even advanced materials like zirconia and more. During the initial consultation, your dentist will explain the options that you have and the extent of the cavities that need to be filled.  All of these factors are considered when it comes down to the final decision of which material to use for the filling.

Composite Fillings Or White Fillings

Composite fillings also called white fillings, are made from powdered glass quartz, silica or other ceramic particles added to a resin base. Once the tooth is prepared, the filling is bonded onto the area and a light is shone onto the filling in order to set it. The dentist will match the color of the composite fillings to your teeth. They have the advantage of being well suited for use in front teeth or visible parts of the teeth. They actually bond to the tooth structure, providing even more support for the tooth. They are also very versatile in their uses and can be used to repair chipped, broken or worn teeth.  Composite fillings also have the potential to spare more of the tooth structure, as less of the tooth needs to be removed compared with amalgams. However, there are some disadvantages that should be considered. The composite or white filling lacks the same amount of durability as amalgams. Typically, the last 5 years compared to the 10 to 15 years of amalgams. They also may not hold up as long if used for large cavities. They also take longer than amalgam to place, sometimes up to twenty minutes longer than amalgam to place. You may also be required to go to multiple visits to the dentist’s office in order to place the filling. The filling material can also chip, depending on the location. They also cost up to double the cost of amalgam fillings.

Amalgam Fillings or Silver Fillings

Amalgam fillings, known as silver fillings, are made from a combination of mercury and silver alloy. Generally, they are 50% mercury, 35% silver, and 15% tin, copper, and other metals. Amalgams are long-lasting and hard-wearing and have been in use for over 150 years. They also are very durable and can last up to 15 to 20 years. Amalgam fillings are often used in molars and other chewing teeth. The mercury in dental amalgam is not poisonous after it is combined with the other materials in the filling. The chemical nature of the filling changes so that it is harmless. With over 100 years of research into the safety, no reputable study has found a connection between amalgam fillings and any medical problem. Some disadvantages to the amalgams include the destruction of more tooth structure, as a space large enough to hold the amalgam filling is needed to be removed. It can also discolor the tooth, creating a grayish hue to the surrounding tooth structure. It is also possible to experience cracks and fractures as the teeth expand and contract in the presence of hot and cold liquids. Some people, less than 1% of people, may experience an allergic reaction to the mercury in the filling.

Gold Fillings

Gold is one of the most long-lasting and hard-wearing filling materials and will last many years. Gold is a strong material that does not tarnish. One of the differences between the gold and the silver filling is that the gold filling is made in a laboratory. In the meantime, the dentist will place a temporary filling. Once the gold inlay has been made, the dentist will fix it in place with dental cement.  Gold fillings can last 10 to 15 years and often longer. And some people find it more attractive than silver fillings. They do tend to be more expensive, often 10 times higher than amalgam fillings. They also require multiple office visits in order to place them.  If a gold filling is placed next to a silver filling it can cause a sharp shock called a galvanic shock as the silver and gold make an electric current. This is very rare, however.

Zirconia Fillings

Some fillings are made out of ceramics like zirconia which are resistant to staining and can last more than 15 years and can cost as expensive as gold. Porcelain inlays are made in a laboratory and they will need at least two visits to your dentist. Porcelain is hard and long-lasting and is often matched in color with your natural tooth.  You may also be interested in glass ionomer fillings. These actually form a chemical link with the tooth. They release fluoride which helps to prevent further tooth decay. This type of filling is fairly weak, so it is often only used for baby teeth and non-biting surfaces such as around the base of the teeth. It will require some preparation in order to have the filling bond directly to the teeth. 

Which Type Of Filling Is For Me?

Choosing the right filling is always a complicated question. The best way to choose is to review with your dentist about which filling material will best fit your situation and your budget. Your insurance company may cover a portion of the cost of dental fillings. There may even be financial options should you need to do a payment plan.  If you think that you need to fill a cavity, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening – Your Complete Guide

Teeth whitening has become a big industry as more and more people want to find ways to make their smiles brighter. There are now so many different options available from state-of-the-art treatments using lasers to at-home teeth whitening kits using bleaching gels. But how do you choose between the many options available? What are the benefits of each method and how effective are they? This guide on teeth whitening will show how each treatment works and the pros and cons of each. With this guide, you can be best informed about how cost-effective each treatment is so you can make the right choice to get whiter teeth.

How to Get White Teeth

There are a number of basic methods in use to whiten teeth today. These include:
  • Using gels, strips, and trays containing a percentage of a special bleach
  • Laser treatment
  • Teeth whitening toothpaste
  • Teeth whitening mouthwash
The best teeth whitening method to choose depends on how much your budget is and how fast you want to see results. Additionally, you must consider how permanent you want the treatment to be and how much discomfort you are willing to go through. Please note that these treatments only work on natural teeth. Things like dentures, fillings, veneers or dental implants will remain the same color.

What Makes Teeth Discolored?

Teeth are generally not naturally bright white. The enamel that coats the teeth is a blueish-white color and is translucent. The dentin — the material beneath the hard enamel — is a yellow color and that shows through the enamel.  The enamel grows thinner as a person ages, so it is natural for teeth to look darker or more yellow as we age. However, there are a number of foods and drinks that are strongly colored and acidic in nature and other factors that can accelerate discoloration. These include:
  • Berries
  • Sauces like curries and tomato sauce
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Wine
  • Sugary drinks
  • Smoking
  • Braces
While the best way to maintain your smile is to avoid staining them, however, that is always not that simple. You can minimize the staining power of these foods by eating them with foods that prevent tooth staining like cheese, lettuce, celery, carrots, apples, and cauliflower. These foods help clean the teeth through friction and can neutralize the acid that damages the enamel.

In-office Teeth Whitening Treatments

It is prudent to visit your dentist and discuss with them potential teeth whitening options. Their treatments are very effective and they know how to perform them safely and can assist in case of any side effects.  In-office treatments are divided into three general types: Laser teeth whitening, Zoom teeth whitening, and professional bleaching.

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening sounds futuristic and dangerous, but it is actually quite simple. Lasers are used to speed up the bleaching effect of a concentrated gel that is applied to the teeth. This makes it the most instant teeth whitening method, but also one of the most expensive. First, a rubber seal is applied around the gums to prevent the bleaching product, likely containing hydrogen peroxide, from bleaching the gums. Then the dentist will shine a laser on your teeth and accelerate the teeth whitening process.  This is an intense teeth whitening process that can give you results after just one visit. It also has the greatest potential for sensitivity after treatment. However, this sensitivity is temporary. Additionally, your dentist can recommend steps to take in case of greater sensitivity.

Zoom teeth whitening

This kind of whitening uses a technology from Philips that uses a powerful LED light to accelerate whitening instead of a laser. This process is less intense, coming with a lower chance for sensitivity but this can mean that you will need to do multiple sessions of about 45 to 60 minutes. Follow this method by an at-home course of teeth whitening treatment to prolong the results.

Professional bleaching

This is the cheapest form of in-office treatment where the dentist will apply professional grade tooth whitening gel via custom trays. This kind of gel is much stronger than the gels available for in-home treatments. This means they can produce much greater results than commercially available kits. The dentist will start by taking an impression of your teeth to create the custom tray. Then, you can go home and use the gels at home. The trays can be left in overnight, which makes it convenient so you don’t have to wear it during the day. Check with your dentist to see what options they have available.

At-home Teeth Whitening Treatments

These at-home kits are best used after a professional treatment to maintain the brightness of your teeth. These treatments include:
  • LED whitening
  • Bleaching trays
  • Teeth whitening strips
  • Whitening toothpaste

LED Whitening

These kits emulate the professional level of LED treatment that is available at an in-office treatment. These come with a tray that sometimes can be molded to fit your teeth, a bleaching gel, and an LED light to activate the bleaching agent.  These may offer good immediate results but they may quickly fade away or require multiple applications.

Bleaching Trays

Over the counter bleaching trays are similar to the LED at-home treatments. They come with an accelerator fluid that is applied directly to the teeth before the gel is used. The treatment can take between five to thirty minutes daily, depending on the strength of the gel.  These treatments will generally require a week to two weeks in order to get better results. Some products require that you combine the beaching trays with products like pens, polishers, and kinds of toothpaste. These combined can create good short-term results. One risk with this kind of treatment is that the whitening kits are not custom fit to your mouth so there is a greater risk of the beaching agent leaking out and burning or blistering other parts of your mouth. Additionally, you may not get the best coverage with these methods.

Teeth Whitening Strips & Toothpastes

These are small plastic strips that are attached to the teeth and are a cleaner and easier way to apply a bleach than gels or trays. Most of the brands generally are required to be placed on the teeth for about 30 minutes and then they are removed, but some even naturally dissolve after the 10-15 minutes of wear.  These can do a good job of brightening your front teeth but they aren’t going to be as effective for the teeth in the back of the mouth. They are a cost-effective method that can be used to produce good results quickly. This is a great solution for quick and painless options if you needed to whiten your teeth in time for a photo shoot. Tooth whitening kinds of toothpaste are good for removing surface stains. These won’t change the natural yellowing that comes with a reduction in enamel. This is also the cheapest option which makes it a very popular option to give your smile a little boost. They can also be used to prolong the results of more powerful treatments.

How Much Does It Cost To Have Your Teeth Whitened?

The cost of teeth whitening depends greatly on the method chosen. You can spend as little as five dollars or less on a tube of teeth whitening toothpaste. Or you can potentially spend much more on in-office laser treatment.  With teeth whitening, what you pay for is what you get. Professional in-office teeth whitening costs are going to be much more than home treatments, but you are gaining the experience and expertise of a trained dentist who can work with you to create a treatment plan that fits with your needs.  Additionally, many dentists offer financing options to help mitigate the cost of treatment. You should also check to see what coverage your dental insurance might provide. If you think you would like to see what tooth whitening treatment is good for you, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at  (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Invisalign Overview – How Invisalign Works to Straighten Teeth

Many people want to get straighter teeth, but the inconvenience and embarrassment over wearing metal brackets and the discomfort from traditional orthodontic work cause many to put off or rethink that decision. Invisalign presents a great alternative. Invisalign uses nearly invisible aligners to gently move your teeth into position. No metal is used and each aligner is custom made to fit your mouth. They work with a series of trays that gradually shift your teeth into place. Each tray is manufactured to be incrementally straighter than the previous one, generally by only 0.25mm each. Every two weeks, you get a new set of aligners. This slowly moves your teeth into their ideal place. All you have to do is insert the tray! You can forget the old days of uncomfortable and ugly brackets. Invisalign aligners are clear and hardly noticeable which means that they are a perfect option for adults and teens who want to straighten their smile without drawing attention to it.

The Three Steps to Getting a New Smile

Invisalign aligners take three simple steps to acquire.  First, meet with your doctor and get a preview of your new smile. Using a special scanner, your doctor can take a fast and precise 3D scan of your mouth and then map out a treatment plan that is customized for you.  You can also take the smile assessment on the Invisalign website to see if Invisalign is the right option for your needs.  This step is key to setting yourself up for success. Your doctor will ensure that your aligners fit well and they will answer any questions and give you an overview of the treatment. Second, you will begin wearing the aligners and have regular check-ins with your doctor. Continue this routine uninterrupted until the treatment has been completed. Depending on the complexity of the case, Invisalign aligners could transform your mouth in as little as 6 months, but you can expect to see results within a few weeks. Finally, by maintaining your smile with good oral hygiene and potentially with the help of a retainer, you can ensure that your smile shines for many years to come. Invisalign offers its own brand of a retainer, but you can always work with your dentist to see what options best work for you.  Be sure that you are seeing a dentist or orthodontist that is trained in Invisalign. These specialists need to attend a series of instructional sessions and continue with ongoing training. Because of the deep knowledge that is required to successfully treat patients using Invisalign, it is important to see trained specialists like those at Golden Smiles Dental.

Treatment Timeline for Invisalign

For the average adult, the treatment timeline tends to be around 12 months. This varies depending on how complex each case is. Teens may have a more complex and variable timeline.  All patients will work closely with your dentist to develop a treatment plan that is customized to your individual needs.  Additionally, sometimes the dentist will use small attachments to help perfect your smile. These are tooth-colored bumps that can be placed on the teeth in order to help the aligner grip the teeth and create the desired movement.

What Can Invisalign Fix?

What makes Invisalign so special is just how many dental problems it can fix. From gaps in teeth, to over or underbites, to teeth crowding, your dentist can create a special Invisalign aligner just for your mouth. Getting a mouth of straight and aligned teeth is not only good for your confidence, but also for your health. Gapped teeth can leave the gums unprotected and this can cause or make worse periodontal disease. Overbites and underbites can lead to stress on the jaw and joint problems, while overcrowded teeth can lead to plaque accumulation as well as greater difficulty in maintaining the teeth. This can lead to cavities. Invisalign can address all of these issues so that you are able to have the best oral health possible.

Does Invisalign Prevent Me From Eating My Favorite Foods?

Luckily, Invisalign aligners can be removed while eating. This means that you can go about your normal routine without much inconvenience. You simply remove them in the morning and in the evening to clean them. Simply brush them like you brush your teeth!  Remove your aligners when you eat as well. You never have to worry about food being stuck in wires or brackets. Invisalign can actually keep your teeth cleaner as you can maintain your normal oral health routine while aligning your teeth.  And for those athletes out there, you can remove your Invisalign and wear a mouthguard! Just be sure to replace them after the game. One of the best features of the Invisalign system is that you can see the progress of your smile as it happens. You never have to wonder how your teeth will look when the plan is finished!  Additionally, your mouth won’t be irritated by the metal braces. You don’t have to apply messy wax to the braces to prevent them from scratching and cutting the insides of your cheeks.  While the first few days of each treatment stage can be a little uncomfortable, Invisalign is a far easier choice to deal with. The discomfort is generally described as a kind of pressure.

After the Invisalign Treatment

When you have finished reaching your perfect smile, your doctor will likely recommend retainers. This is the same as if you were getting traditional braces or invisible aligners. Retainers are needed to keep the teeth in place after the treatment.  You also need to maintain good oral health. This means brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Be sure to follow any further recommendations made by your dentist following your treatment.  If you think Invisalign aligners are for you, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at  (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Dental Implants Illustration

The True Cost of Dental Implants

The options available for tooth replacement are many and each has its own costs associated with them, but what is the real cost of dental implants? Unlike traditional dentures, they require no glues or adhesives to stay in place and they often last many years if not decades. They also have the advantage of acting very much like a natural tooth and helping to preserve the shape of your face.  It seems like more and more is being said about dental implants and their advantages. They are popular for very good reasons. They look and function very much like natural, real teeth, but they are designed to be durable and strong. But how much is this going to cost you? 

How much does it cost to get a full mouth of dental implants?

On average a full mouth of dental implants only requires four implants per arch, four on top and four on the bottom. These are anchor points on which the arch is placed. Together they hold in place a denture securely and naturally to the gums.  The final cost of your bill will often take in factors such as location, the number of dental implants that are required, the materials that are used for the implant and what if anything your dentist needs to do before the surgery. This can be things like tooth extraction, or molds of the teeth. You are also paying for the dentist’s expertise. Be sure that you are going to a reputable and skilled oral surgeon as your oral health impacts the entirety of the rest of your health.  Getting a full set of teeth replaced can open the door to greater health. You can enjoy the foods you once enjoyed, speak with ease and clarity, and never worry about your smile again. The cost of more than one implant can range from $3,000 to $30,000, and if you opt for the best of all the available options that could go up as high as $90,000. 

How much does a dental implant cost for one tooth?

Getting a dental implant can cost roughly anywhere between $1500 to $6,000 including the cost of the office visits, any x-rays, any anesthesia, and any other associated costs. As with getting a full mouth of implants, the cost is directly related to the location, materials, and any prior procedures that will be required to be done.  While this may seem like a large investment, remember that you aren’t paying for just a quick and simple fix. You are investing in your future health and livelihood. Being able to eat good, healthful foods is going to impact your ability to live a full and healthy life. If you are missing a tooth, you can not only impact your health by not being able to chew the foods you love and need, but your appearance will change as well. The jawbone will naturally recede if there is no tooth root to encourage the bone to grow. This means your face shape will change over time. A dental implant will save you that shift in appearance by being anchored directly into the jawbone. This allows it to act as a natural tooth and it will bond directly to the bone. This creates a stable and secure base for the implant crown.

How much does insurance pay for dental implants?

Often insurance will cover the cost of dental implants if they are being implanted for a medical need. If it is considered a cosmetic surgery then many insurance companies will not cover the cost of dental implants. It is important to check with your dental insurance to see what they will cover and what costs you can expect to have to cover for the surgery, visits and other aspects of the service. Sometimes only portions or parts of the dental implant procedure will be covered, such as the initial consultation, office visits and more.  Call your insurance as soon as you are considering to get dental implants and you may save yourself a ton of money. Some Medicare Advantage plans may include dental implants, so it is important to know what your coverage will and will not include.

Why do dental implants cost so much?

One of the reasons why dental implants can be so costly is that they are not a single procedure, but require seeing a dentist or oral surgeon multiple times in order to check on your progress and provide consultations. Here is a very basic breakdown of what you can expect to do if you are planning on getting a dental implant:
  • Consultation. During the consultation, your dentist will check your mouth, get x-rays, and give a diagnosis of the condition of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. This is important to determine if you are a good candidate for implants. If you want to proceed with the implant surgery, your dentist will then take a mold of your mouth to be used in the creation of the implant.
  • The setting of the implant. The implant surgery itself generally consists of the dentist or oral surgeon drilling a small hole into the jawbone and inserting the implant. You sometimes will get a temporary tooth after this procedure.
  • The Abutment and Crown placement. After your gum and jaw have healed from the insertion of the implant base, an abutment is placed. This basically provides a surface for the permanent crown to be fixed on to. Sometimes the crown is placed after a period of more healing depending on the needs of the patient.
If you think dental implants are for you, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at  (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Composite Fillings

What you should know about Composite Fillings

When it comes to fillings, you have to basic options: amalgam fillings or composite fillings. Amalgam fillings are made from a mixture of metals, and composite fillings are made from ceramic and plastic compounds. Each comes with its own benefits and drawbacks. 

What are amalgam fillings?

Amalgam fillings are what are commonly known as “silver fillings”. These filings are made out of a mixture of mercury, silver, tin, and copper. The mercury that binds the metals together makes up around 50% off the filling. This combination makes them strong and durable. The mercury, when combined with other metals, is a safe and stable compound. This kind of filling has a long track record and has been around since the late 19th century. However, unlike composite fillings, they are very noticeable and can discolor teeth as light cannot pass through the tooth naturally. Some people can be sensitive to the metals that are used in the amalgam.

What are composite fillings?

Composite fillings are a resin made from ceramic and plastic compounds. Because of this, they can be matched to the natural color of your tooth and the filings can blend into your smile. These are often known as “white fillings” or “tooth-colored fillings”.  These filings have the great advantage of being nearly invisible. They are also very easy to adhere to the tooth, as they bond to the surface of the tooth. Best of all, they preserve the maximum amount of tooth. Because the resin is easily shaped to match your teeth, this means that less drilling is required.  It is important to note that the procedure to get a composite filling may take a little longer than amalgam fillings. Additionally, because white fillings don’t contain mercury so there are no health risks associated with the use of white fillings. Some people even experience less post-treatment discomfort and sensitivity from composite fillings.

How long do composite fillings last?

Despite the immense advancements in dental technology over the past few years, fillings do have a finite period of use after which they start to fail. This means it is important to see a dentist as soon as the dental filling begins to fail.  Luckily, white composite fillings are good for seven to ten years in healthy patients. However, this data is based on older types of dental fillings and significant advancements in filling manufacturing have increased this number.  Newer studies have found that white composite fillings are beginning to reach the same amount of durability as amalgam fillings. They can potentially last for up to 12 years if taken care of properly.

Are white fillings strong?

While white composite fillings have a reputation of being weaker than amalgam fillings, new developments in the materials that are used have made them much stronger than in the past. This means that more people are choosing white fillings over amalgam fillings in order to preserve their natural smile.

How much does dental composite cost?

On average, the cost for a composite filling ranges between $300 to $600 per tooth, however, most dental plans cover the cost of the procedure and most of the cost of bonding. Insurance companies will often cover the filling when it is done for structural reasons or to fill a cavity.  Getting a dental composite often requires a single visit to the dentist. Sometimes this procedure is called dental bonding, as the resin is bonded to the tooth after being sculpted, shaped, hardened and polished. This kind of composite is ideal for small cosmetic dental work, or for smaller cavities.

What does dental bonding involve?

The procedure generally begins with a gentle phosphoric acid being applied to the tooth. This is painless and provides a surface for the composite to be bonded to. The putty-like resin is then placed on the tooth surface, shaped and sculpted.  Finally, a special light is used to harden the resin and set it. Then it is polished and buffed for a smooth finish. The entire process takes around 30 to 60 minutes per tooth. Anesthesia is often unnecessary unless the bonding is used to fill a decayed tooth. Compared to other forms of tooth repair, like crowns or veneers, composite fillings require the least amount of enamel to be removed. If you think dental composite fillings are for you, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at  (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
tooth whitening cost

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Teeth whitening offers one of the easiest ways to dramatically improve your smile, often without any kind of dramatic surgery but how much does teeth whitening cost really? You may be surprised to know that there are many forms of teeth whitening that are very affordable. According to a survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, an overwhelming majority of Americans think that an attractive smile makes a person more appealing. And of the qualities that make up an attractive smile, whiter teeth were the key to a more attractive smile.  Teeth can become discolored over time as the outer layer of enamel on the teeth is worn away. Things like drinking staining drinks like coffee, tea and wine, smoking, and more can stain the teeth and make them not look as white as they naturally do.

How much does it cost to get your teeth professionally whitened?

How much you can expect teeth whitening to cost depends largely on what options you chose and whether you do it at home or at your dentist’s office.  The cheapest option is going to be teeth whitening kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes. These often run under $5 or less. Using over-the-counter products like teeth whitening strips or gels will be an affordable option. A single box is generally $20 to $40 a box and contains enough strips to treat your teeth for a few weeks. You could also use over-the-counter trays that are filled with a whitening solution that is then worn to bed. These often are under $100.  These cheap options may be affordable, but they do not offer the same power as in-office treatments. You can expect them to whiten your teeth by one or two shades, but for greater whitening, getting your teeth whitened at a dentist’s office is going to be the best way to go.  The average cost of in-office teeth whitening is $650, but it can climb to close to $1,000 or more, depending on the type of product that your dentist uses and how much your dentist would charge for the treatment.

Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened?

Getting your teeth whitened professionally seems like a bigger jump in cost, and is the teeth whitening cost worth it? In most cases, the in-office treatment is a great return on investment. People notice the change in appearance after their in-office treatment compared to how at-home treatments work.  The bleaching agents that your dentist would use is much stronger than the ones that are used in at-home treatments. For example, the whitening strips in the store often contain no more than 10% of hydrogen peroxide, a common bleaching agent. In-office treatments use stronger solutions that contain 25 to 40% hydrogen peroxide.  It is important to consider the long term maintenance that teeth whitening may require. No teeth whitening solution is going to be permanent. And how long your teeth remain white depends largely on your lifestyle. Refraining from smoking, drinking or eating staining foods, and practicing good oral health can help ensure the results to last for up to a year.  In-office treatments offer the fastest and most noticeable treatment, with treatments often taking no more than an hour and often only a single treatment is needed.

Is teeth whitening covered by insurance?

Typically, dental insurance does not cover cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening. Most dental procedures are strickly related to health and wellness, like routine cleanings, x-rays, root canals, and the like are what the insurance company will cover. Check your benefits to see if your dental insurance covers cosmetic procedures, like tooth whitening, veneers and the like. These procedures are not considered medically necessary and often the patient will have to shoulder the entire cost.  See if your dentist offers a payment plan or other options to help you achieve your perfect smile.

Is it bad to get your teeth whitened?

Any bleaching treatment will cause some tooth sensitivity. This is a natural result of the peroxide gel that is used and is common among 66% of people. The severity of the sensitivity varies based on the condition of your tooth enamel. If you have concerns about tooth sensitivity, speak with your dentist before doing any kind of tooth whitening treatment, at home or in-office.  The lasers that are used won’t make your teeth hurt more, but a higher dose of peroxide will.  If you have questions about teeth whitening cost, the treatment, or want to schedule a consultation, and you live in Rancho Cucamonga, California, call Golden Smiles Dental at (909) 481-8990 today.
dental implants cost

How much are dental implants?

The cost can be a major sticking point to some, but depending on your oral health needs and the goals of your smile, it may be that dental implants cost much less thank you think. When it comes to teeth replacement options, there are none more effective at preserving jaw bone, chewing strength, and even the natural shape of your face like dental implants.  

How much does a full mouth of dental implants cost?

There are many dental-health related reasons to consider getting dental implants. If you have lost one or many teeth there may be a loss of confidence and over time there can even be a loss of jawbone which can lead to a less aesthetically pleasing smile.  Dental implants act very much like natural teeth. By anchoring them in the jaw, they encourage the bone to grow around them, giving them a stable base that is unmatched by other tooth replacement options like dentures Dental implants have been around for many decades, and as the technology improved to both make the implants and install them, the dental implant’s cost has reduced as well.  When it comes down to it, your dental implant’s cost can vary based on what coverage your provider will give and the number of teeth that are being replaced. It can also vary based on where you are getting the implant and what kind of material is used for the crown.  Generally, the cost of a single dental implant can range between $3000 to $4500. This includes the surgery for the placement of the implant, the components, and the implant crown. When replacing a full jaw of teeth, it is more common to do something like a bridge instead of replacing each individual tooth. This may reduce the cost per-tooth of the implants. This may seem like a large investment, but consider how your mouth is the main indicator of your overall health. Being able to chew foods you enjoy dramatically impacts your quality of life. Further, dental implants often last decades where traditional dentures may only last years.  Think of dental implants not as an expense, but as an investment in your health from years to come. The best part is, they are often indistinguishable from natural teeth! It’s the closest thing to getting your natural smile back.

Does any dental insurance cover implants?

You should check with your individual provider to see if they cover dental implants. Your dental team will be able to help you make an informed decision about your insurance and financing options.  If you are feeling stressed or anxious over the cost of implants, your insurance may have your back. Dental implants may be covered by your insurance and even include the costs of exams, x-rays, follow-ups and the materials used in the surgery.  Getting a dental implant means seeing a specialist oral surgeon, and your insurance may even help you out with that. Some may help pay for the implant crown. There are even grants to help pay for your implants that could be worth exploring. Just look for cosmetic dentistry grant programs. Be sure to see what your benefits will cover, as some insurance companies see dental implants as a kind of elective procedure, despite dental implants becoming standard care for the replacement of missing teeth. They have become the favored option because they have a proven and predicable result with a 98% success rate. 

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants offer a long-lasting and highly effective solution for missing teeth. With proper maintenance, dental implants can last for more than 25 years. That is huge when compared to traditional dentures that last only a few years and can result in greater bone loss in the jaw.  Dental implants are designed to be a permanent tooth replacement solution. They support the dental structure and are attached firmly to the jawbone so there is never any slipping when chewing or biting.  A dental implant looks and feels just like your natural teeth and this improves your confidence and self-esteem. You can smile with pride with your new implant, knowing that it looks natural and aesthetically pleasing.  Do you want to spend the next 25 years fiddling with denture glue, watching your face change shape as your jaw disappears? Or do you want to see your smile restored and confident that you can eat the foods you love and do every day essential things like talk and smile with confidence? If you think dental implants are for you, and you live in the Rancho Cucamonga, CA area, give Golden Smiles Dental a call for your consultation at  (909) 481-8990. Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions.
teeth whitening

How does a dentist whiten my teeth?

A brighter, whiter smile is highly sought after by many people, but finding the right teeth whitening solution can be a bit of a problem. You have two options: getting your teeth whitened by a dentist or trying to do it at home.  Both options use a peroxide-based bleaching agent, with at-home options generally having a lower concentration at 3% to 10% peroxide, and in-office systems contain 15% to 43% peroxide.  As a general rule, the longer you keep a stronger solution on your teeth, the brighter your teeth become. However, when you have a higher percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter it should be applied to the teeth. If the gel is kept on longer, the tooth can dehydrate and increase its sensitivity. 

At-home whitening vs teeth whitening at the dentist 

When you get your teeth whitened by a dentist, you can see results much faster. The bleach solution is much stronger than at-home kits could be. A dentist can also use heat and light in combination to speed and intensify the whitening process.  You can expect dramatic results, with teeth getting three to eight shades brighter, but this may require several 30 to 60 minutes visits, but some dentists can complete the procedure in a single 2-hour appointment.  At home, you can use tooth whitening strips, gels, and toothpaste. Each of these options offers a convenient way for you to bleach your teeth on your own. But you should be careful as incorrectly used home kits can lead to burned or temporarily bleached gums.  You should also consider if you can incorporate something like a tray-based tooth bleaching system, which can range between $150 to $600 to get a custom-fitted one. These trays are filled with a peroxide bleaching gel and they are placed over the teeth for several hours a day for up to four weeks. Be sure that you have the time and willpower to commit to faithfully using the tray for the treatment to work. 

How much does teeth whitening cost?

The cost can vary but generally ranges from $500 to $1000. This may seem like a lot of money, especially when compared to at-home solutions which can be as cheap as a tube of whitening toothpaste, but the effect is stronger and the results last longer.  At-home kits can often run much cheaper, varying from $3-$5 for tooth whitening toothpaste, to $10 to $55 for tooth whitening strips and gels. Keep in mind that these require a much longer commitment of many weeks to see a result. And that result is often weaker than in-office treatments. You might also be able to get some or part of the treatment covered by your insurance. Be sure to check with your insurance company, especially if the discoloration is due to a dead nerve, or due to tooth trauma, infection, or illness. If so, this kind of discoloration is likely going to need professional help to make it white again.

Is teeth whitening permanent?

Teeth whitening can often last a very long time, but it is not permanent. There are things you can do to maintain the results. Keep your teeth bright and white by maintaining good oral health by brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily. Avoid acidic and tannin-rich foods and drinks like:
  • Black teas and coffee
  • White and red wine
  • Sports drinks
  • Carbonated beverages no matter the color
  • Berries and other strongly-colored foods
  • Sauces
Most teeth whitening lasts a few months to up to 3 years, and this number varies from person to person. By avoiding the above foods, you can make sure that your teeth are kept nice and white for as long as possible. 

Is it safe?

The many different options that you have to whiten the teeth can all be done safely. If you are especially concerned about getting your teeth whitened and preventing gum burns, then a professional in-office treatment is the best option for you. There are some side effects to consider. Bleaching the teeth can make them more sensitive. This may occur in the first or second treatment and should diminish with time. Your dentist can prescribe treating sensitivity with products that contain potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride gel. you may also experience irritated gums sometimes called gingival irritation. This can happen because of your gums coming into contact with the peroxide-based whitening product. These side effects should go away after your treatments. Remember that you can’t whiten your teeth permanently. Any teeth whitening process will be temporary. You’ll need to seek new teeth whitening treatments at regular intervals to keep your smile bright and white. You’ll also want to ask your dentist about what to do if you have implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures If you are interested in getting your teeth whitened and you live in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, speak with our team of expert dentists by calling Golden Smiles Dental at (909) 481-8990.